23 July 2011

Near to Norway

"There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go."
~Author Unknown~

Dear Norway,

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you on this very sad day. There are no words to describe the logic in the mind of hate mongers, extremists, and evil beings who think they are above the law and who, forever, alter our lives. My heart is so heavy as I carry a part of your pain. Peace be with you during your extremely arduous journey through the process of loss, healing and attempted understanding.

A beacon of light from the United States

Kære Norge,

Vores tanker og bønner gå til du på denne meget trist dag. Der findes ingen ord til at beskrive logikken i sindet af had mongers, ekstremister og onde mennesker, der mener, de er hævet over loven og for evigt ændrer vores liv. Mit hjerte er så tunge som jeg bære en del af din smerte. Fred være med dig under dine yderst vanskelig rejse gennem processen med tab, helbredelse og forståelse.

Et fyrtårn af lys fra USA


1 comment:

robynsuarez said...

I need some whisperer inspiration........write girl!